CBD Helps Runners? We Been Knew!

The potential benefits of CBD for athletes, particularly for runners, are increasingly becoming a subject of interest. A recent study shows how the cannabis component might help reduce anxiety and perceived exertion, which could be particularly valuable for female athletes who often face unique mental and physical challenges in their sports.

The study involved 12 adult participants who were given either 300 milligrams of CBD or a grapeseed oil placebo.

 After a two-hour waiting period, they were asked to complete a two-mile run on a treadmill as quickly as possible. Throughout the run and afterward, vital signs were monitored, and participants filled out surveys to assess anxiety levels and other subjective experiences.

The findings revealed that those who took CBD reported feeling calmer and more relaxed. 

Notably, the participants in the CBD group also experienced an 8 percent reduction in their average rate of perceived exertion halfway through the run.

Interestingly, while the CBD group completed the run 3.1 percent faster than the placebo group, this difference wasn't statistically significant. Nonetheless, the findings proved what a lot of CBD and cannabis users have been saying for years: it works.

Now you might be wondering, how should I consume CBD? Can I smoke CBD? Does CBD Oil go bad? Well just deep dive into some cannabaddie articles to help!

This study adds to a growing body of research exploring how cannabinoids influence exercise and physical activity. For women, who may face additional societal and physiological pressures, the calming effects of CBD could be particularly beneficial.

Cannabis users are often stereotyped.

So much so that even phrases like “pothead” refer to a very specific type of consumer. But this study showed that young to midlife adults were neither more sedentary nor more intensely active after consuming cannabis. Instead, recent marijuana use was associated with a slight increase in light exercise.

Another study from last year found that marijuana use was linked to an enhanced "runner’s high" and reduced pain during exercise. Participants reported feeling more positive, tranquil, and dissociated during their cannabis-influenced runs, experiencing a more profound runner's high.

For female athletes, particularly runners, the calming and performance-enhancing potential of CBD could be a valuable addition to their training regimen. As research continues, it’s becoming clearer that cannabinoids like CBD might play a significant role in supporting both physical and mental well-being in sports.

Looking for a Chicago Run Club that is welcoming of your consumption?

I recommend you check out Runners High Chicago. It is Chicago’s first and only canna-centric run club with a big mission: to get lit, get fit, and break the stigma! 

You can check out my full feature on Runner’s High Chicago here.


Runner’s High Chicago: Getting Fit and Shattering Stigmas