CBD Oil for Erectile Dysfunction??

Everyone is winding down from Valentine’s Day and I genuinely hope you all are tired and had a long night. Even if your sexual encounters need a little work, I hope they are worth every little bit of effort. As your sex positive canna-gossiper, I wanted to tell you about some news I’ve heard (read about) through the grape vines: CBD can be used for erectile dysfunction!

I know many people are used to outlandish claims on sexual interactions. From boner inducing honey packets to the continuous defiling of grapefruits, we are a society stuck on improving the sexual experience. So when I stumbled across an article that mentions using CBD for erectile dysfunction, I had to do more digging.

It’s not a new concept

Since the beginning of time, mankind has used new and available resources to make their dick hard. It’s no wonder women have to fight for abortions while men freely give themselves heart attacks with viagra. But this is no longer a man’s world, and we women are now making our own connections between the cannabis plant and sexual satisfaction. So what about CBD makes it a potential aid for erectile dysfunction?

What we know about CBD

Topical Cannabidiol has a number of positive effects when applied. It is an anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, and analgesic, and that doesn’t even include everything we know about CBD when ingested. When ingested, CBD can help with conditions such as depression, anxiety, migraines, chronic pain. 

What we know about Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is the inability to maintain an erection firm enough to have sex. As any penis- wielder would attest to, it happens from time to time. But a continued inability to perform can affect your quality of life. There is no direct cause for erectile dysfunction, instead, there are a number of causes that can trigger this condition. Some as complex as low testosterone, and some as dangerous as heart disease. 

But occasional erectile dysfunction can be frequent in someone due to depression, anxiety, stress. All things that CBD, as previously mentioned, can help with. We always discuss cannabis for it’s recreational purposes, but if you are improving your quality of life, shouldn’t we be calling it medicinal? Some people already attest to how cannabis helps their sex life, and there are studies that heavily suggest a better sexual experience for women who consume cannabis.

The Fun Part: Apply it Topically

There is no real or direct evidence that CBD improves erectile dysfunction, but there is evidence that proves CBD helps with some of the underlying causes of erectile dysfunction, like high blood pressure. So how can you test this theory at home? Well, this could be the fun part.

CBD oil and CBD infused topicals can be used on the exterior, meaning you can apply it directly on your partners genitals. Please, please, please always spot test and please be careful on what you’re applying. But the truth is you can absolutely use it directly on his penis. Don’t be afraid to really slather it on, when it comes to CBD you don’t have to worry about a psycho-active effect. 

Not to be extremely graphic, but this is of course for couples who have active penetrative sex. I am not a gynecologist, but these are studies easily available online. If your man is going through a tough time and you’ve noticed a decline in his sex drive, this is definitely something you should try. But stay away from products that make outlandish claims. The effectiveness is on CBD, not on a product that uses CBD as an ingredient.

I recommend Mota Magick’s CBD Massage Oil Candle

The Side Effects

Recorded side effects include fatigue. But if you’re a regular cannabis consumer, these are side effects you’re already exposed to. I would suggest to try different amounts in different increments. Hopefully from there you will be able to find something that works for the both of you.

The most important part to remember is that there is no right or wrong way to make this happen. Without concrete studies, I can’t directly tell you what you can expect. What I will say is this: It’s worth a shot. Everyone deserves fulfilling intimacy, and someone who you love and who you respect is worth that effort.

Have you tried using CBD in bed? What are some ways you incorporate cannabis into your bedroom?


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