Momma Verde for a Good Night’s Sleep

Melatonin. It seems like everybody and their mama, and even kids, are taking it. Interestingly enough, I have been behind on that bandwagon. I, a regular insomniac and an occasional emotional sleeper, hadn’t even thought to try it. Mainly because I am a hardcore cynic, but also because where does one even start?

At any health or wellness store, there is melatonin in just about every form. From pills, to gummies, to drinks, the options are endless. I guess that’s why it can sometimes feel daunting to look. So I never did. It just became one of those things that I knew I had to try but never got around to it.

Momma Verde

Well, when Momma Verde founder Christina blessed me with a sample of her melatonin CBD gummies, I knew it was the right time to try them. I saved them for a self care night, a night when I would want to doze off to sleep instead of stay up for hours working.

At first bite, I was pleasantly surprised. The Strawberry flavor was so yummy! Such a soft flavor that was not overpowered by the sugar coating. It was sweet, but not in an overly “candy” sweet. More like a tasty vitamin sweet, which was perfect, especially before bed.

How I Slept: Like a Baby

Christina told me “take one if you want to go to sleep, take 2 if you want to be OUT!” I am so glad I took her suggested dose to heart. The first time I tried it, it was a chill Friday night. I popped one of them at about midnight, which is fairly early for me. (I’m currently writing this at 3:12am on a weekday night) 

Within 40 minutes I started feeling a drowsiness. It kind of took over pretty quickly, and soon I was laying back, my eyes heavy. I was genuinely impressed, and kinda giggled at myself for being caught so off guard. It’s usually very hard for me to experience sleepiness unless I’m really exhausted, but that gummy definitely had me curling up under the covers and calling it a night.

The Second Try

I decided to take another gummy tonight in anticipation of writing this. I wanted to take it knowing it was late and knowing that I would be falling asleep within a couple of hours. As I write this I already feel a slight drowsiness. I’ve yawned at least 3 times and although I very much could fall asleep right now, it doesn’t feel like I’m impaired in any way. I believe the addition of cannabinoids and hemp derived CBD is what also adds to the relaxation.

I am fully sold! I don’t normally take anything beside weed to sleep, but given how successful it’s been twice for me, I would definitely consider adding it to my daily supplements. It’s a natural product and with the added cannabinoids there are so many added benefits. Make sure you guys check out Momma Verde Apothecary for her full line of products.

Have you tried Melatonin? What has your experience been with it?


A Flower Tasting with Strain Mason