What Does Terps Mean?

What does Terps mean? A question that is often asked, especially in the age of legalization. And while for some it’s the annoying new word on the block, it actually has nothing to do with cannabis at all. It’s a general scientific term, suddenly used by the new wave of cannabis consumers. The same people who once didn’t even know what they were smoking, suddenly want all the info on the type of terpenes found in weed. And while this information is very important and vital to cannabis, it isn’t something that can just yet be spoken about in a mainstream way. But what the fuck does terps mean? And what do they have to do with weed?

What does Terps mean? 

Terps, or terpenes, are basically the essential oils of plants, fruits, and vegetables. Yes, all of these, not just cannabis. They are what gives them their smell, taste, and their appearance. On a molecular level, they are chemical compounds that happen naturally. Because they are natural, they are basically just a part of what makes a plant itself. And while there are only about 120 terpenes associated with cannabis, there are hundreds more relating to all plants. I will go over some of the more popular terps as well as some of their psychoactive effects, but be warned. There is very little research about the effects of terpenes on humans, therefore a lot of these claims come from unverified sources. Still, there is not doubt that terpenes, along with cannabinoids, play a big part in a person's cannabis experience.

How do Terpenes Affect the Body, and do they Make you High?

The simple answer is no. Terps, while very much psychoactive, do not actually get you high. If you’ve heard that eating a mango before getting high will make your high last longer, then you are already familiar with some of the associations between terpenes and cannabinoids. That’s because certain terpenes and cannabinoids work together to create each smoking experience. Choosing the right terpenes can have certain effects on the user. While some terpenes have been found to help with mental health conditions, some are just an indicator of the type and quality of cannabis.

It’s important to remember that THC is what provides the “high”. So we have to consider that terpenes work side by side with THC to provide different types of highs. 

Why are Terpenes Important in Weed?

Essentially, terpenes are the essential oils of plants. When you smell a lemon, the citrusy smell is from a terpene. When you sniff a bag of weed and get a whiff of gas, that’s a terpene. Terpenes are a plant's natural defense system, but they do far more than just protect it. 

With what’s called the “entourage effect”, the combination of THC and certain terpenes creates unique experiences. Whether it’s a calming effect, or hunger, this can be stimulated by a certain combination of THC and terpenes. Although not completely verified, there is a strong belief that terpenes sway your high in different directions depending on their abilities.

Remember that although terpenes are found on cannabis, they cannot be smoked alone. Sitting within the trichomes of the plant, terpenes work together with THC. They alone will not get you high, but together with cannabis they can cause different reactions in your body and brain. 

This is also how strains are crossed and offspring are created. You can take 2 plants with different terpene profiles and create an offspring plant that takes after both.

What Terpenes are Most Common and What Do They Do?

Final Thoughts on Terpenes

Terpenes, or terps, are one of the most important chemical compounds in marihuana. That’s why it’s important to me that my readers know what to look for. Most of this information can be found on packaging from dispensaries, but it’s really hard to decipher if you’re buying weed that hasn’t been chemically tested. Becoming an expert on terps is like becoming an expert on wine, it takes a lot of training and can’t easily be spotted by the naked eye. Still, consider the smell and sensation you get from cutting an orange peel. Those are terps, and you can experience similar feelings when breaking apart the buds of certain cannabis flowers. I’m a fan of limonene and omicene terps, which is why I stick to certain strains over others. Trial and error is part of the game, and finding your favorite strain will be a part of the fun.

I do not fake being an expert, nor do I know everything that has to do with cannabis, but as I learn, so will you. I plan on passing on my knowledge as much as I can, and terps are a fairly new discovery in cannabis. Despite the last couple of years, there is still very little reputable research. Most of the information is by self funded cannabis researchers.

Cannabaddie Talk is focused on creating relateable and educational cannabis content for the urban cannabis consumer. Read other articles like “Get Rid of Weed Smell in Your House” and “Can You Smoke CBD?


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