A Cannabaddie Guide to Surviving NECANN

Professional conferences have always been scary to me. Back during my insurance days, I recall attending so many of these same events. Meeting rooms swarmed with men in suits, women in tights, and an overall air of playing hookie from work. In my experience, the business happens after the conference. But on the day of, the vibes are very different.

Last year, I wrote a post about my experience at Benzinga. The massive cannabis conference that happened right in downtown Chicago. Despite all the buzz and the big names in attendance, the conference still fell short on many levels. Ahead of NECANN this Friday I wanted to put together this guide for any CANNABADDIES in attendance. Here are my tips for having a successful NECANN.

Power in Numbers

Without a doubt, the most important part of surviving any professional conference is your tribe. It can feel extremely daunting to enter these rooms on your own, especially if you don’t know anyone there. Many times I hoped for a familiar or friendly face, and couldn’t find it. The positive? Most people are open and willing to converse and engage with others they don’t know. 

Going to NECANN alone? Feel free to find me as your friendly face and safe space. As a professional and frequent conference attendee, I got your back!

Dress to Impress

Before you pull out those tired ol weed leaf socks, let me redirect your energy. Despite the name cannabis, this is still a business conference. That means you will be diving into an ocean of crumpled department store suits and overpriced blonde blow outs. I would highly suggest you put your best foot forward, dressing business casual with accents that highlight your personality. I usually opt for a pair of slacks and my Cannabaddie T Shirt. It’s important that I stay true to my roots, while still looking professional. Cannabaddies are taking over the industry, and we’re doing it while immaculately dressed.

Support Local POC Businesses

Schaumburg and its surrounding areas are known for their rampant cultural appropriation. The north west suburbs in general have a bad rep for a lack of inclusivity and mistreatment of POC. So on Friday, when you find yourself getting hungry, support any of these POC owned and operated restaurants in the area:

  • Cielo Mexican Grill 1108 S Roselle Rd, Schaumburg, IL 60193

  • Juice & Berry 35 Main St, Roselle, IL 60172

  • Bisi African Restaurant 853 S Roselle Rd, Schaumburg, IL 60193

  • B's Shrimp & Fish 1706 W Wise Rd, Schaumburg, IL 60193

  • Pupusería Rinconcito Hispano  1669 E Oakton St, Des Plaines, IL 60018

These are also found on GrubHub / Uber Eats / etc. Ethnic food is far more than just margaritas, give some of these local spots a try!

Know Your Surroundings!

I hate getting caught without blunts. If there’s one thing I hate, is having to scramble to find a place to stock up. As a south sider, driving around the northwest suburbs with my weed just exasperates my paranoia. So knowing ahead of time where I can make these purchases in a discrete and non threatening environment is important to me.

Sitting at less than 5 minutes away from the conference center is Munchies Smoke Shop at 4025 W Algonquin Rd, Rolling Meadows, IL 60008. Stocked with all the necessary stoner essentials, it seems to be the best local choice for those emergency runs.

Just down the street at 2501 N Meacham Rd, Schaumburg, IL 60173 is a Shell gas station as well.

Hold Your Head up High

My mother always told me and my siblings to never be afraid to walk into white dominated spaces because “Our money is just as green as theirs.” This was because my broken English speaking mother loved her American restaurants. And through confused looks and frustrated sighs, she insisted on placing her own orders and speaking, with direct eye contact, to her white counterparts.

This confidence has stayed with me through out my life. Today, any room I walk into gets the absolute best of me. My voice may shake and my steps may waiver, but I never do. I insist on showing up and being present in spaces that were not created for POC. Because as loud as my skin is, so is my professionalism, my work ethic, and skills. 

If you find yourself afraid in these rooms, take this bit of advice: Fake it til you make it cannabaddie! The corporate world wasn’t made for us, but we were made for business. Shake those hands firmly, smile at everyone, and be generous with your words. Don’t be afraid to take up space. Don’t be afraid to shine.

Zero Tolerance means Take No Shit

It is very easy in these male dominated spaces to encounter questionable and even unsavory comments. In fact, there are a number of women who will condone this bad behavior as well. But POC suffer the most from misogynistic and outdated beliefs in corporate America. And while white women can align themselves with WOC, they will never understand the extent of our disadvantages.

If you come across unsavory comments about sex, race, or your person feel confident in your ability to shut it down. A simple “this is not a conversation that I want to engage in” will work and just walk away. You are not responsible for educating people or getting them out of their ignorance. Make it clear that you find this behavior inappropriate and simply remove yourself fro that environement. You don’t owe anyone politeness cannabaddie, protect yourself at all costs.

Maneuvering these conferences can be a scary situation. Still, I have benefited from so many positive interactions. Keep an open mind, and a welcoming attitude, but always enforce your respect.

If you are feeling threatened or unsafe in any way, find someone you trust and communicate it to them. Again, I will be in attendance and will provide a safe space and open heart to any cannabaddie in need. Let’s cultivate a safe industry and most importantly, let’s do some business!


Must-Have Weed Accessories


Stop Being Embarrassed About Weed