Places to Smoke Weed in Chicago

Looking for places to smoke weed in Chicago? Well guess what? You can’t even smoke in public. We are still expected to smoke in private. We are still expected to keep our use under wraps. Even though there is a whole community out here wanting to embrace us. Well don’t lose hope! There are still plenty of public places where smoking weed has become the norm. Especially in our city, where we have to dodge cops, parking tickets, and mosquitos galore. Here I have your Smoking Bucket List for places in Chicago that are stoner staples. Please remember to respect our city and pick up after yourself. Also please keep in mind that it is most definitely ILLEGAL to smoke at any of these spots, but I won’t tell if you don't.

Humboldt Park 

Now hear me out. Humboldt Park went from being a gangbanging hot bed to now housing some of Chicago’s most popular Becky’s. You cannot walk down California Ave anymore without seeing AT LEAST one blonde. And while Humboldt Park is ever changing, the people aren’t. The park still fills the air with salsa music and the smell of fried foods. Sitting in the park with a blunt in hand is a Chicago staple, so come out and show these colonizers that you support real culture!

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Rogers Beach Park

On the far north side of the city is a strip of beaches that have become some of my favorites. Because who wants to be surrounded by Chicago’s JUDGIEST citizens (Looking at you Ohio St Beach) when you can be welcome at this vibrant beach. Bring a blanket and a friend and lay out in front of the lake for one of the calmest smoke sessions you're bound to have in the city. If you’re lucky, you might even catch the Pina Colada stand open. Please remember to preserve our beaches and pick up after yourself!

Places to Smoke Weed in Chicago? Block Parties

Covid really fucked up our first year of legalization in Chicago. But in 2021, Block parties are back and in full force. What better place to pull out your Canna-stash than in the comfort of the front of your own house. Please be mindful of children and seniors, otherwise, it’s time to openly and proudly indulge in our favorite vice. With the excuse of being on your property, you can even dodge 12 like most of the criminals in Chicago do!

Museum Campus

Ah yes, the museums. Filled to the brim during the day, and mellowed out at night. Walk between the museums and the lake and you are bound to stumble over a fellow stoner. It’s a Chicago Canna- Staple, and one that I take advantage of all the time. Walking along the lake, sitting on the concrete steps looking out into nothing with Mary Jane by my side just relaxes me and clears my mind. Most police officers already know the deal, so you can usually enjoy it unbothered.

Cruising Down Lake Shore Drive

The OG. The classic. The right of passage that every single stoner in Chicago has gone through. Before legalization, when smoking was something we had to hide. When the only way we could smoke in public was by doing it in your car. And on the expressway so CPD couldn’t come up with any type of bullshit excuse to pull you over. Taking this cruise down LSD will always be special for so many of us, and in the future, when we’re allowed to smoke just about anywhere, I think people will still be taking that cruise. Driving down Lake Shore Drive, at night, surrounded by street lights, and with Mary Jane on the passenger's side.

We all hope for a Chicago that we can smoke freely in. While we are still limited in our consumption, Cannabis consumers in the city have always found unique and creative places to indulge. We’re just lucky enough to have a beautiful city as our background. I encourage all of you to be responsible when smoking publicly. Please pick up after yourselves, please respect the elderly and children. Most importantly, please protect yourselves. Have fun Chicago!


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