Cannabaddie Talk

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How to Dab: It’s Not as Hard as You Think

Entering this blog post very enthusiastically. As a new dabber, I wanted to bring you guys along and show you what I’ve learned. A couple of weeks ago, I was in Michigan with my friend Koala. A regular dabber, and someone I was extremely grateful for, she taught me so much!. I know a lot of us flower smokers, especially those of us who are more casual smokers, we don’t know much about dabs. They’re intimidating. Concentrates don’t look like weed, so they make us uncomfortable. But don’t be afraid, dabbing can actually be a very pleasant experience. Finding the right temperatures and portions will prove to be a fun learning experience, so long as you're patient. But let’s talk more about dabs, and maybe you’ll feel more comfortable giving them a try.

Finding the Right Concentrate

The first daunting moment when you first try dabbing is finding the right concentrate. Shatter, budder there are so many different options. And not all of them can be dabbed. In my opinion, there’s a slight difference in the taste, but overall provided a similar high. Try different strains and brands until you find something that you enjoy consistently. You can read my blog post about my Puffco Peak, and the different types of concentrates available. It is not as intimidating when you remember that most of these are very similar and won’t need different accommodations.

How Long do You Heat a Dab Rig

From everyone that I have talked to, the best way to go is to start at a very low temperature. You don’t want to burn or scorch your concentrate in your rig. That would create a nasty taste and smell. This process depends heavily on the piece you’re using. When it comes to dab rigs, you can either use an electric dab rig, or a regular one. Let me go over some of the differences.

Electric Rigs

The reason why I’m starting with electric rigs is because although they are the newer option, they are the easiest for beginners. Definitely worth the investment and there are a few different options that can save you some money. Electric rigs basically function on a button that you press to warm them up to the desired temperature. The entire process is seamless and requires very few additional tools. 

Regular Rigs

When smoking out of a regular rig, manual rigs require a torch. You use this torch to light the base or the nail where you will then place the actual concentrate on. These are different because they require a certain knowledge of how long to burn the piece without actually burning the concentrate. This is definitely why dabs are considered more for the seasoned smokers, because of the technicalities. You can find mini rigs that can make this process a little more manageable.

How to Smoke a Dab

My biggest piece of advice when you’re picking up your concentrate is to start with a small amount and build up. You don’t want to overload your rig or even yourself. Start with a speck sized amount and add more and more. Just like smoking, you will puff a few times. The first few clouds will be bigger and more denser until the product runs out. At that point you will notice thinner clouds overall. Smoking concentrates is very potent, so don’t puff more than a couple for your first few times. You need to learn your tolerance and find the high that you’re looking for.

What Can I Use as a Dab Tool?

One of the inconveniences of doing dabs is that you have to keep a tool close by. The pick or stick or dab tool will allow you to insert the concentrate into the nail, or banger. If I happen to not have a tool close, I use a bobby pin. There’s always a bobby pin close by and so I find it to be a convenient back up for me. I have also used a toothpick, and really any small thin metal or wooden object. As long as it gets the concentrate in the rig it has done its job.

How to Cold Start Dab

Cold starting is the process of putting the concentrate in the rig before heating it up. I happen to prefer this over pre heating as it’s an easier way to burn it. Electric rigs are usually a cold start. Simply place your concentrate in the chamber prior to lighting it.

Homemade Dab Rig

As a newer dabber I wouldn’t dare try to create my own homemade rig. I wouldn’t recommend or advise on it either. There are very affordable smaller rigs that you can find on Amazon like this one:

Or this one:

So you don’t have to spend big bucks on trying to dab. I’ll also link a complete dabbing kit that’s affordable on Amazon.

Dabbing doesn’t need to be this scary unapproachable thing. Through proper education and experience, you will feel comfortable trying a variety of concentrates. Elevating your cannabis knowledge in the process. Because dabs essentially run on vapor and water, you can dab indoors. Adding to its charm and appeal. Let me know your experiences with dabs, your favorite dab tools, and what type of concentrates you enjoy in the comments. And don’t forget to sign up to my email newsletter to stay up to date on posts like this and more. You can also read other posts like How to Grind Weed Without a Grinder and How to Plan and All Girls Smoke Sesh.