Cannabaddie Talk

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The Healing Power of Cannabis

I know I don’t have to tell you this, but cannabis really does heal. As a plant, it has been studied and ripped apart for decades, centuries even. As a first hand cannabis consumer, I can attest to the many ways cannabis heals me. When I am experiencing nausea, I take a smoke break. When I’m hungover, smoke break. When I’m stressed, yup, that’s a smoke break. Still, many cannabis consumers are frequent users who don’t fully understand its benefits. That’s why I wanted to break down some ways that cannabis is healing you, without you even knowing it.

Cannabaddie Talk, along with BAAM Yoga, and Gilead Chicago Church, are getting together to create a Saturday morning of healing experiences. Through Yoga, meditation, and a Healing Circle, we will be creating a safe space to heal together. Join us on October 21st, get your tickets here.

Smoking for Your Mental Health

Many times, cannabis consumers find themselves in a regular schedule of smoking. Whether it’s in the morning, afternoon, or a night time toke, many of us reach for our stash at a certain point of the day. For many of us, this is a time to unwind. To destress and shed the worries from the day. And while that may be just business as usual for you, studies suggest that cannabis can help decrease anxiety as well as help with pain relief. So while you may think you just smoke because you like it, your body might just be reaping the many benefits that cannabis offers.

The Ritual of Cannabis

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Many heavy smokers are very familiar with their smoking practices. Whether they are joint rollers or blunt smokers, when the time to smoke comes, they have their items ready and their process down pat. For centuries, cannabis has been used during spiritual and ceremonial rituals due to its ability to heighten the senses. Whether it’s your own personal ritual or a social one, cannabis can help with meditation and with calming your nervous system. Next time you light up, take note of the changes in your body and mood. You might find that cannabis is not only a fun pastime, but instead, a gateway to a more aware mental state.

Mind, Body, and Soul

CBD and Hemp Too

Most of the time, cannabis consumers hyper focus on the part of the plant that gets you high: THC. But when it comes to the plant, there are many benefits to it as a whole. You can check out the lip scrub I made with weed stems here. You guys also know I’m a huge fan of using CBD for my skin care, and am always open to trying makeup products infused with hemp seed oil. There are so many benefits to the cannabis plant as a whole that I would encourage you to try as much of it as you can for different purposes. You might have never been interested in CBD, but your mind might change when you try a high quality product.

Cannabis Creates Community

Breathe & Blaze: A Healing Sesh

In the last year, I have really had to take a step back and analyze my cannabis consumption. In the midst of mental health struggles, a Bipolar Disorder diagnosis, and one extreme change after another, I realized I was not using cannabis in a healthy way. I was using it as an escape mechanism, when I should’ve been using it as a supplement to my other medicines and vitamins. I have had to be more mindful of how I am consuming and why.

Cannabaddie Talk was created to empower femme identifying cannabis consumers of color. That is what we do and what we strive for. Join us at our first Healing event, where a group of cannabaddies will come together for the sole purpose of healing ourselves.

Cannabis offers a diverse range of healing possibilities, and the method of consumption should be chosen based on individual needs and preferences. As research into cannabis continues to expand, we can expect even more innovative methods and applications to emerge, providing additional options for those seeking the healing benefits of this remarkable plant. A cannabaddie understands that cannabis consumption doesn’t end at smoking. Instead, consuming cannabis can apply to those who use CBD, hemp, and even non-smoking avenues of consumption.

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