A Cannabaddie Guide to Beat the Monday Blues

Ah Mondays, the least popular day of the week is here. And while many will spend their mornings complaining, I want to help you get your week started on a more positive note.

Monday’s don’t have to get the bare minimum from you. Monday’s don’t have to get the you that is leftover from the weekend. Monday’s are the day when the previous week is erased and you can now start fresh and prepare yourself for a new feeling and a new time.

How can we prepare for Mondays?

Monday’s should always be prepared for. Why? Because it’s the beginning of a new week. It’s the beginning of new possibilities, new goals. Preparation can be mental, and it can even be physical. In fact, I prepare for Monday’s on Sunday night. 

The Sunday Night Wind Down

Sunday nights are a ritual night for me. I take time to not only plan my week, but also to prepare myself for it. Starting off with my favorite eye mask, I will usually do a full skin care routine. Why? Because Monday mornings are usually rushed and I know I won’t prioritize my skin. Doing it on Sunday night guarantees I wake up with a smooth, soft face that is ready for makeup.

A recent Sunday night staple? Mota Magick Face Oil has really become a staple in my skin care. It replaced my previous gua sha face oil, simply due to the quality and premium ingredients. I would highly recommend you guys incorporate her Face Oil especially during these cold months when our skin really takes a beating.

The Monday Morning Mania

But it is now Monday, and you have already not prepared on Sunday. So how can you make today just a little more bearable?

Monday mornings can be so hectic! What it seems like most people need on a Monday is a quiet moment. Take 5 minutes to just sit or stand quietly. Turn off those headphones, put that phone away, and just exist. For 5 minutes, whether you’re at your desk, in your car, on the train, just take those 5 minutes to really pay attention to your breathing and your feelings. Become grounded in where you are. This is something you can easily do without needing any tools or space. 

1906 New Highs

Kick Start Your Monday with 1906 New Highs

Monday’s can feel real sluggish, especially after a fun filled weekend. Luckily for us, we have products that we can easily access and use to better our daily lives.

1906 New Highs are CBD / THC pills that serve a number of functions. Naming themselves as the “fastest edibles”, you won’t have to wait for an effect to kick in. Your Monday morning could benefit from a mixture of their signature themed packets. Start with a “Go for Energy” tablet and then mix and match to your preference.

Pre-Plan Your Sesh

Monday’s are already such a pain, why not prepare for your smoke sesh ahead of time. So that when you need it most, you’re not fidgeting around with papers and grinders. 

Do yourself the favor and roll your blunt or joint the night before. Bong or bowl smoker? Pack that motherfucker prior! Leave everything ready for that moment on Monday when you can finally relax and smoke.

Plan Ahead, Get Ahead

One of the first things I do on Sunday night is pull up my Google Calendar to check out what I have for my week. Sometimes it’s personal things, most times it’s business, but having an idea on Sunday night helps me feel more prepared on Monday.

Whether you’re a paper planner or digital, planning ahead is a surefire way to avoid feeling like you’re missing or forgetting something. Do yourself a favor and carve out 15 minutes to plan.

Plan Your Outfit

I know I know, I sound like somebody’s mother. But seriously guys, laying out your outfit the night before really reduces the amount of time spent on Monday morning. Something so simple could easily shave off 15 minutes from your morning routine. This can help you feel less stressed and rushed! Listen to your momma, pre-plan that outfit!

Smoke at the Right Time

I am someone that when I wake up tired and groggy, I will hold off smoking until well into the afternoon. Until I’ve shaken off that laziness and feel fully awake. The reason is because if I smoke when I’m still groggy, I will continue to feel that way for the rest of the day.

Now this doesn’t have to apply to you! If you are the type of person who feels like smoking wakes you up and refreshes you, first of all, I’m jealous. Secondly, if this is you, I would absolutely recommend waking and baking. Definitely find your element and get into it, yuh.

For the rest of us, I would say hold off smoking until you’ve been up for at least 4 hours. This is my usual rule for myself so I’m not falling asleep while I’m supposed to be working. If you do want to smoke, maybe opt for a chillum or something that isn’t too intense like blunts and joints. Again, it’s your personal preference, I’m just sharing mine.

Monday’s Don’t Have to Suck

In fact, i always tell people Monday’s are my favorite day of the week. Because even when I wake up exhausted from the weekend, I still feel like it’s a brand new week. A fresh start. A whole new opportunity to fuck shit up. This is really what drives my love for Mondays, it’s that shift in my thought process. 

I could wait until Monday morning and pout and say “Fuck Mondays” or I could take some time on Sunday to prepare myself for a brand new week. Satisfying those mental and physical needs that I know will be pushed back during the beginning of the week rush.

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