Cannabaddie Talk

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Smoking Makes me Horny and other Sexual Cannabis Myths

One of the oldest, biggest myths when trying to date a fellow smoker is “I usually get horny when I smoke weed”. I have heard and said this at least a dozen times, each time fully convinced of Mary Jane's aphrodisiac powers. It might just be a ploy to get into peoples pants, but such a frequent myth has to have some sort of truth to it right? Well, I’m going to break down some sexual myths related to cannabis for you. So next time you get high and freaky, you don’t have any unverified hang ups. Here are a few sex weed myths that I've come across.

Smoking makes you horny.

If you happen to find yourself feeling extra frisky after a sesh, you are not alone. In fact, marihuana, with all it’s healing powers, is great for your libido. Overall, marihuana is a feel good drug. With properties that help anxiety, pain, PTSD, it is no wonder that it will put you in a better mood. Of course, different strains affect different parts of our brain, so don’t be afraid to toke up and shack up dolls!

Marihuana causes Erectile Dysfunction.

While there are plenty of studies showing the link between marijuana and Erectile dysfunction in men, they are mainly based on the fact that it calms your body. For some men, the calming of their body means being unable to send blood to their penis. For other men, marihuana stalls orgasm. Which is never a problem, amirite? It’s important to remember that marihuana affects people individually, so it’s better to test how your body will react to it in the sack.

Marihuana dries you up.

Myth. Lies. False!! Fast fact, over 70% of women claim to experience pain during sex. With that being said, lets talk about Marihuana’s pain relieving powers? Not only does weed increase sex drive but it also increases your chances of a satisfactory orgasm. So ladies, do not be afraid to toke up before sexy time!

Marihuana dries up your mouth, so I can’t give oral.

My advice: Keep a bottle of water and some jolly ranchers on your bedside table. Don’t let cottonmouth keep you from rocking somebody's world! Marihuana absolutely dries up your mouth, but if you’ve read my blog before, you know it’s nothing a little chapstick and water bottle can’t fix.

Marihuana is truly a magic plant. One that, no doubt, will make sex a more pleasant experience. If you’re a first timer, I definitely recommend minding your dose, and talking to your local budtender about which strains will work best for you. Marihuana is all trial and error, but once you find your strain of choice, it’s nothing but smooth sailing. Well, smooth until you start rocking the boat! Do you know any other sex weed myths?