Does Weed Make Your P*$%@ Dry?

Make it stand out

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

One of the most terrifying headlines I have read recently was “Marijuana linked to Vaginal Dryness”. I almost immediately rolled my eyes, and upon more reading, cringed heavily at the line “The same as it causes cottonmouth”

Are you f*cking kidding me?

Having a vagina can be so tedious sometimes. Especially when everyone has an opinion about them, but the opinions don’t come from those who have them as well. No, the opinions always come from the other side. 

In fact, when I googled this, in order to find the original article, most of them were written by men. All discussing an opinion by a woman named Julie Holland who went on to Vice and said marijuana can dry up the vagina. A 2015 article that is short, ridiculous, and just plain out of touch.

Julie, in the same article, recommends using coconut oil as a lubricant. Which would seem like good advice until you realize that coconut oil will not only throw off your PH, but can also increase the risk for yeast infections. Yea, my pussy would be dry if I was getting this advice too, Julie.

The reality is that there is very little research done in the field of cannabis and women’s health. It’s careless and ridiculous to make these sort of outlandish statements when there is a severe lack of evidence

Cannabis reduces anxiety, it is a common pain reliever. Two important factors that would make it not only useful before sex, but at times, necessary. Factors that benefit women more than men. Which in turn makes these “revelations” that much more damaging.

You see cannabis, when consumed properly, could help the almost 75% of women who have experienced pain during sex in some form. It is vital that we have these discussions, and that we talk to other cannabis consuming women about our experiences with using cannabis prior to sex.

If you are experiencing discomfort during sex due to dryness, please please PLEASE do not be embarrassed or dissuaded from using lube. Lube is a woman’s best friend, and any man or partner who will shame you for using it does not deserve to touch you. You deserve to enjoy sex and you deserve to not feel pain throughout. 

I am personally a fan of water based lubes. I am always a fan of products that are natural based which is why I would recommend this lube I bought off of Amazon. LOLA is made for women by women. Not only is it a great deal, but it also promotes vaginal health and PH.

When it comes to your Vagina, listen to your body and your doctor.

It’s important to remember that nobody knows best for your body but you. Take all of these studies with a grain of salt. Always discuss abnormal discharge or sensations with your doctor instead of resorting to Google. We all know drinking water regularly is very good for your body in general, but also for your bladder.

Have you experienced dryness after smoking? What are some things you do to avoid it? Drop your answer in the comments!


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