Capnolagnia - The Smoking Fetish

Capnolagnia - noun. A sexual fetish based on the sight and/or smell of someone smoking.

Many of you know that I like and will be discussing sex as a cannabis consumer. Kicking it off, I wanted to discuss an interesting aspect of being a smoker. 

A backstory: As someone who was raised in the digital age, I have been looking at stuff online for close to 2 decades. From the beginnings of to a variety of porn websites, I was well in tune. So it was surprising when on Youtube of all places, I stumbled upon a video of a 30 something year old white man with a ponytail, chain smoking Marlboros on a computer chair. I wish I remembered his name, because not only was it weird, it was very popular. Thousands of views on his videos. All of them depicted him smoking.

In the early 2000’s, we saw the first instance where this fetish was acknowledged in health studies. Prior to this, it had only been implied or briefly mentioned. Due to these studies, this phenomenon took over the adult industry (link is NSFW). In film, online, we were seeing people smoking while engaging in sexual activity. Sure, it was mostly associated with the BDSM lifestyle, it was actually practiced by the more general consumer.

When it comes to weed, there is a general consensus: weed makes me horny. That in itself is not a fetish, it’s a reaction that a lot of people claim to have from the effects of cannabis. And although I have mentioned in other blog posts that cannabis is NOT an aphrodisiac. Instead, it’s believed that it’s anti-anxiety, and pain relieving properties cause a feeling of carefree. Where some people would be too nervous to initiate or engage in sex, cannabis helps alleviate those feelings. Providing an enjoyable sexual experience. 

How does one know if they have Capnolagnia?

Very simply, it is the arousal by the sight of someone smoking tobacco or cannabis. Can be through cigarettes, joints, vapes, hookah, blunts, or cigars. It’s the act of getting aroused from watching it. Whether by someone smoking as a way to arouse, or simply by watching others. Have you ever experienced arousal from watching someone smoke? Cannabis has always been connected to sexual experiences, and the most popular form of public Capnolagnia is the stoner girl culture on social media.

“Stoner Girl” Culture - Does it Feed into Capnolagnia?

I use “Stoner Girl” in quotations because I’m using this phrase to refer to a very specific type of content creator. A simple Pinterest search for the term “Stoner Girl” results in a large number of images of scantily clad girls, with giant clouds of smoke emitting from their mouths. It’s the girl you see on Tik Tok in her weed leaf socks and too-tight boy shorts. It’s the endless images of beautiful girls smoking their preferred substance, in this case, cannabis.

I personally find nothing wrong with this type of content. In fact, it’s popularity proves the connection between cannabis and sex. One that is not only inevitable, but commonly brushed under the rug. Sure, there are those that create content in lingerie, others in revealing outfits, and then there's the “stoner girls”, puffing away at the delight of a large audience.

This is also a reference to the BDSM and femdom cultures, where women being pleasured by submissive men whilst smoking is a recurring theme. It’s weird, but consider that the large number of men who consume BDSM and femdom capnolagnia content, would absolutely consume “stoner girl” and dabbing content. It’s an easy and vanilla connection.

Is Capnolagnia bad?

First and foremost, we at Cannabaddie Talk are completely judgement free when it comes to alternative lifestyles and sexual practices. With that being said, capnolagnia is no different from other fetishes, such as roleplay, or lingerie. There is nothing inherently bad about it, and there are no documented instances where it negatively impacted someone's life. It is a sexual phenomena in humans and not something that could or should be cured. We all experience arousal from a variety of ways, so it’s better to be open and discuss it with your sexual partner on ways that you can incorporate it.

When it comes to cannabis, smoking can be incorporated into sex in a variety of ways. Here are a few ways that you can incorporate smoking into your sexual routine to stimulate capnolagnia. Please keep in mind that I always recommend different time frames for consumption prior to sexual interactions. These ideas abide by those time frames:

  • Give your partner a sensual massage while they consume: If you yourself experience arousal from watching somebody smoke, why not roll your partner a joint or blunt and let them smoke it while you give them a nice long massage. Men, this is especially great for you as you can transition from a message directly into intercourse. This allows your partner to be not only fully aroused but also fully experience the effects of the cannabis prior.

  • The Naked Smoke Sesh: Couples smoking is one of the most bonding experiences. Why not take it up a notch and lose all of the clothes? Sitting together, smoking while naked is something that would satisfy those with or without capnolagnia. It is extremely intimate, and could lead to intercourse at any point instead of leaving it predetermined. Just watch out for those flying embers!

  • Shotguns: I have recommended shotguns on my website time and time again as an easy and fun way to be intimate while smoking. Can be accomplished wherever you smoke, whether outdoors or in. You can read my blog post for a full walkthrough on how to do it.

Smoking fetish or not, there are a number of ways that cannabis can be used in connection with sexual experiences. Don’t be afraid to vocalize and share these experiences with your partners! You would be surprised by the wide number of things that cause arousal. Smoking is hardly the most shocking, and it’s also not the hardest to accomplish. Now that you have more of an understanding about why you might experience this, you can venture forth with a new understanding and with more confidence. Don’t forget to sign up to my email newsletter to stay


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